Wednesday, May 2, 2007


Evaluation #6:
The collage/found footage assignment was fun to do, but to be honest I enjoy editing footage I shot myself rather than searching for old stuff. Not that searching for old stuff isn't fun, I just prefer it the other way. Found footage is sometimes blurry and pixelated, whereas your own footage is nice and clear. The idea I had going in was to raid my CD collection and put found video to music, and I think I accomplished that. I ended up liking it more in class that when I was putting it together, but I still wish I had more time to work on it (had access troubles again). I also think I accomplished making the project not heavy or important. I didn't want any war propaganda or anit-war propaganda (which is easy to do with old footage). I didn't want to comment on anything. I didn't want it to be ironic or metaphorical. I think I achieved my goal with that.
The other projects were fun to watch. I just want to say that even though I didn't want mine to be heavy or important doesn't mean I didn't like the students' projects who did. That is just not what I wanted to do with mine.

Evaluation #3:
The Hand-Processing class assignment turned out awesome. I was really pleased with everyone and how the project evolved into something cool. I liked the footage that was used, which were some of my favorites from watching all of the footage in class. I liked the theme they decided to go with and, overall, enjoyed the finished project.
My critiques are pretty minor, with one exception. I didn't particularly like the font that was used for the title cards. I also didn't like the sparation title cards, although I think that was part of the assignment. The major thing that I did not like was the use of the movie quotes. A couple of them were good when used subtle, but a majority of them almost ruined the project for me. Thankfully the final mix muted them a bit, but they were still too prominent for my liking. I felt they kind of 'dumbed down' the otherwise awesome project. The sound effects were awesome, why were there not more of them instead of the dumb quotes?

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